On Saturday 2-19-2011 the Red River Chapter of the Guardians Of The Children had it's monthly meeting at the Chaparral Restaurant in Marlowe Oklahoma. I rode up to Byers Texas and met Tatu and rode with him to the meeting. Scroll down and join us on the ride and meet the folks of the Red River Chapter of G.O.C. and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.
I rode up to Byers Texas and got with Tatu, who was my sponsor. He informed me I was not a Prospect but a Club Supporter. With that, we headed North up to Marlow Oklahoma. Here is Tatu as we head up North on TX 79.
Another view of Tatu on TX 79 North
We stopped in Duncan Oklahoma for a soda break. Here is Tatu out front of the store
The store clerk came out for a smoke break and when she finished, she took this picture of Tatu and me (Snapshot)
We left Duncan Oklahoma and about 15 minutes later we pulled onto the parking lot of the Chaparral Restaurant in Marlow Oklahoma.
Here are some of the members bikes that were there when we arrived.
Once inside, they set us in the club room so we could have some privacy from the folks in the restaurant. Here are MaMa Bear (yellow) and Spitfire. Spitfire is the Chapter Treasurer
Here are PaPa Bear and MaMa Bear. PaPa Bear was appointed the Chapter Public Relations man. Congrats on the new appointment, PaPa Bear!
Our table and pictured closet to the camera down and around are: Tatu, White Buffalo (Chapter Road Captain), Smiling Eyes (Chapter Secretary), Bandit (seated on the end and is the Chapter President), to Bandits right is Pointman (Chapter Sgt. At Arms) and Gunner (Chapter Vice President).
Here are Spitfire (treasurer) and Gunner (V.P.)
This is Thor. He is Chapter Road Guard
Each group picture is different. Bandit and Gunner surprised MaMa & PaPa Bear and me when they presented us our G.O.C. Patches and made us regular members. I was honored to receive them. Left to right: Pointman, Gunner, MaMa Bear. PaPa Bear, me, Bandit and White Buffalo
Left to right: Gunner, Spitfire, Pointman, MaMa Bear, PaPa Bear, me, Bandit, Tatu, Thor and Smiling Eyes
Left to right: Spitfire, Pointman, MaMa Bear, PaPa Bear, me, Bandit, Tatu, Thor and Smiling Eyes.
The three of us, Tatu, Thor and I, headed back to Texas
Here is Thor as we head South on US 81 thru Marlow Oklahoma
Here is Tatu on the left and Thor on the right as we head South on US 81Thor(rear) and Tatu (left front) as we make our run South on US 81
Another view of Tatu and Thor on Southbound US 81
We stop at the store at the corner of US 81/ US 70 for a drink break. Here are Thor (L) and Tatu (R) out front of the store.
We break off from Tatu in Byers Texas and here is Thor as we continue South on TX 79. I had to be at party at 5 p.m. and Thor had to be at RED RIVER HARLEY DAVIDSON in Wichita Falls Texas by 5 p.m. , so we hammered down..
We were rolling along at 80 mph and I got this picture of Thor. His face isn't as blown back as some of those old astronaut centrifuge pictures, but not bad for 80 mph. This will end this post .
I had a great time today riding up to Marlow Oklahoma and seeing every one again. And I was surprised when I received my patch and was patched in as a regular member of the RED RIVER CHAPTER of G.O.C. I look forward to riding and working with the members on Chapter matters.
Until the next post, you all be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel, and most important of all:"DON'T LET YOUR SILENCE DROWN OUT THEIR CRIES"
The Red River GOC Post looks great. I appreciate the time you put taking the pics and preparing the blog. Keep up the good work bro.
Red River GOC
Vice President