I rode out to Midwestern State University to see Officer Kelly Maloney. When I got to the Police Station (on campus), I was greeted by the Midwestern State Police Dispatcher, NIgel. Nigel and I have known each other and have been friends for 34 years. She is a great dispatcher..
I tried to get Nigel to buy some tickets but she didn't want any at this time, so I left the office and went looking for Officer Maloney. I found him in the Locker Room with another friend and former co-worker, Mark.
Here is Officer Kelly Maloney getting the tickets from me. He then went over to the table and filled the tickets out with the required info. My face is red because it was like 36 degrees out when I left the house to ride over to the University and I did not wear a facemask .
Mark looked at the Flyer I had with me and then he, also, bought a ticket. Here he is filling out the back of the ticket.
Officer Maloney finishes filling out the tickets and here he is getting ready to tear his tickets off.
Before I left I got a picture of Mark and Officer Maloney. Thank you guys for buying the tickets and participating in this raffle that will help us help the kids! Good Luck!!!
for more on the GUARDIANS OF THE CHILDREN, see this link: http://www.guardiansofthechildren.com/
As I walked back to my bike, I paused to take a picture of one of the University's Police cars. For more information on Midwestern State University, see this link: http://www.mwsu.edu/
Here is my bike. You can't see the sign but,I had parked in the "Facility Parking Only" because there wasn't any other place to park, except down the street in student parking lot. But I got to the bike and departed the area before the other University cops came around. This will conclude this post.
I want to thank Mark & Kelly for participating in the Rife Raffle by buying some chances to win a great rifle. I'd like to extend an invitation to the viewers of this blog, that if you want to participate in the Rifle Raffle, see the post below and it will let you know how to go about getting those tickeTs. A copy of the flyer is also and the following blog. Someone is going to win that rifle. Will it be YOU? Just remember, you can't win if you don't buy any tickets. So, Good Luck!
Please pray for all of our troops, both in and out of Harm's Way, especially for Che Whitaker, Chris Drage and Fred Hughes. All three men are currently serving in the Afghanistan Theatre of operations.
Scroll down for more posts pertaining to the Red River Chapter of Guardians of the Children. Be sure to click on the " OLDER POSTS" at the bottom of EACH page or directly underneath the post on that page for more of the same
Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel , ride safe and most importantly: "DON'T LET YOUR SILENCE DROWN OUT THEIR CRIES " ............................SNAPSHOT.............................
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